For all of those who have an obsession with solving crime and saving lives, you definitely feel and understand the wonderful 13-season-long world of Criminal Minds. Not only is this show badass, it makes you feel every single type of emotion known to man and offers everyone a relatable moment:
1. When you meet the good side of the male population.
2. Appreciating a girl for everything that she is, not just her looks.
3. The feeling we all get when we hang out with someone who loves working out.
Man, I hate running.
4. When you think you are the only human on the planet going through a difficult time.
5. Girl power.
Enough said.
6. The importance of learning to think before you speak.
You don't want to say something stupid and then have everyone in the room look at you like you're an idiot.
7. Always remembering to see the good in any situation.
8. The importance of always telling someone how you feel about them.
Never be afraid to tell someone how you feel, because you never know when you'll get the last chance to do so.
9. Not letting anyone tell you how to live your life.
10. Remembering that every person has their own unique past.
You never know what someone else may be going through; we all have mistakes marked on our names.
11. Not giving a sh*t about anything, but yourself.
Me everyday.