We have all heard the saying "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade." It's an inspirational saying that every mother at some point uses to encourage her child to make the best of what life gives him or her.
As we grow up, though, we start to realize that life isn't fair. No matter how good we may be at something, there is always someone who is better (OK, except maybe Michael Phelps). We start looking at the lemons in our hand and the lemonade we've already made, and we start comparing ourselves to others, sometimes without even realizing. We start demanding more and more lemon from life, who is not always as generous with us as he is with other people. Some people get depressed, and stop making lemonade sine theirs will never measure up to this height of perfection that only exists in their minds. Others become resentful, and maybe try to take lemons belonging to other people.
No matter what the case may be at the time, it all boils down to us feeling unfulfilled. The more we compare ourselves to others, the less we think we have. What are you insecure about? Beauty? Intelligence? Athletic ability? Again, no matter how beautiful, smart, or athletic you are, something inside of you still looks at everyone else's lemons and feels cheated and empty
Now, what if I told you that none of that matters? Novel? No, nothing I'm about to say will be new to you. I say it because I still struggle with it and you do too. Teddy Roosevelt once said that comparison is the thief of joy. OK, we get that. I look and see what others have versus what I have and I feel sad. Cool.
No matter what we try to do to make ourselves more appealing (in our own eyes), we will always be unsatisfied until we stop looking at what others have and start realizing how little it truly matters. You were born a certain way (some would say created). You have the personality you have, and being fake with people won't change that. You'll only manage to isolate yourself because no one will know who you truly are. You look a certain way. It's just the way genetics works, we don't get to choose. Therefore, that doesn't make you any less beautiful than your standard of "perfect beauty." You are unique; be proud of that! Every bit of the way you are is the way you were supposed to be. You, your physical appearance, your personality, your laugh, your smile, your height... none of those things are accidents. Please remember that next time you glance at someone else's lemons and wish they were yours! That person is the way they are just like you are the way that you are!
One last thing.
While comparison is a thief of joy, sadness and emptiness stem from something way deeper inside of us. You might be feeling empowered (hopefully) after my lemons speech, but I would be doing you a disservice if I did not tell you from where only true, lasting joy and fulfillment come from. Perfect joy, fulfillment and love come from the Savior, who created you and was acquainted with all of your ways before you were even born. You bear His image, and He loves you. Jesus loved you so much that He came down to earth as God in the flesh, our Immanuel, and bore the punishment of our sins and transgressions on the Cross. He rose again on the third day, proving that He is who He said He was! Putting your faith in Him is the only way to fulfill that longing that you've been feeling.
Without Him, you're never going to find the acceptance you're looking for. Not in a husband. Not in a wife. Not in your best friends. Not even in your family. He uses those people to demonstrate His acceptance, but they are all fallible and they will let you down. Jesus won't.
So remember that life (or, in truth, God) gives out lemons as it pleases. you can't love yourself until you learn to love the One who created you!