As we have seen with recent events, life is short and you have no idea when it will end. Some people are taken from us far too soon and way too suddenly. Here's my advice for you so that you never feel the pain or regret when someone is taken from us too soon:
If you have feelings for someone, tell them.
Compliment someone every chance you get.
Hug often and hug tight.
When saying goodbye to anyone, tell them to be careful.
Never ever go to sleep upset or mad at someone.
Say "I love you" whenever you feel it.
Call and visit your loved ones while they're still here.
Check up on old friends.
Actually, check up on all of your friends.
If you're thankful, say it.
If you want to do or try something, do it.
Stop waiting for tomorrow, today might be all you have. So take advantage of it. Speak your mind and do what makes your heart happy. LIVE your life NOW, do not PLAN your life for LATER.