"Take a risk, take a chance, make a change and breakaway."
(yes I just quoted Kelly Clarkson.)
Too often we find ourselves taking the easy way out or picking the safer option of the choices we are given. Now think back... How many times has that actually benefited, or improved your life? In my own experience I've found that unless it's challenging, intense or downright hard, you're not learning anything from the experience. You're not growing as a person if you don't experiment and step outside the box that is your comfort zone. We're going to talk more about this comfort zone and why you should avoid it at all costs, in just a minute... First, I want to talk about a little thing called time.
Time is of the essence, they say. You may feel as though time is moving slow, the minutes are dragging, weeks feel like months... but time FLIES by. Before you know it you're going to be reflecting back on your life long journey; would you be proud? This adventure you have created. Is it all you would have hoped for? did you leave any room to say " I wish I would have done that." or "I should have said yes." " I wish I would have taken more chances." ?DON'T. Life is so full of opportunities, it's a beautiful gift that so many souls take advantage of. Many of us live the same day, over and over, our entire adult lives... Never seeing the true beauty that life has to offer. It's a waste to just go with the flow of a dull existence. Create adventure. Fulfill your passion. Be curious. Be brave and take every chance.
Travel opportunity? Go for it.
relationship opportunity? Go for it.
job opportunity? Go for it.
Don't you dare let anyone get in your way; don't be sculpted by another person's mind and don't let someone else decide what your life is meant to hold. This is your life... And the only permanent thing in your life is YOU. At the end of the day, it's your brilliant mind sitting in that skull, your emotions driving your actions, and no person should be given the power to take that from you. I myself have chosen certain paths because I thought it was the right thing to do or because I thought I was avoiding getting hurt; I thought it was safe and easy for a change. It turns out that the easy road is actually not that easy ( and so not worth it.) Have you ever had to fake being happy, even for just a few minutes? Imagine that for the rest of your life. settling? Never settle for anything that doesn't completely thrill you and fill you with joy.
Not a job...
Not a significant other...
Not anything.
(I want to make something clear... If you are already in a situation where you have settled, and your happiness is at stake, it's not too late. Escape the situation, you have the right to do so.)
Comfort zone... were back to that. The comfort zone is a restriction, somewhere you run to when you want to feel safe. It's tempting, but life isn't about being safe. You've got numbered years here on this planet, a mystery number. Every day when you wake up, wake up with the intention of making it count.
If you have the chance to make someone smile... do it.
If you have the chance to better someone's day.. do it.
Help someone in need.
Write a poem.
Walk.. and do nothing else but take in everything around you.
Chances are not always huge opportunities, sometimes they are little stolen moments doing something productive and worthwhile.
My last note is about company. Surround yourself with people that make your heart sing. Every so often you come across another individual that challenges you and excites you... Enjoy their company and bask in everything they do and everything they make you feel. Take in your loved one's features and motions until you can't ever forget them; you will thank yourself down the line.
I can go on and on but truly when it comes down to it, it's all about chances. They come in all different sizes, small, medium and large. Grab as many as you can and live in them.
Do not take life for granted.