Do you like movies? Drama, Action, Suspense, Romance?
If you could categorize your life into a movie genre, what would it be? I would have to choose suspense. I love movies that are real nail-biters, something that keeps you on the edge of your seat. This is kind of how a life is with God, a suspense, but in the best way possible.
Your life is in God’s hands and you are watching each scene from the seats in the theatre. Sometimes, you have all the faith in the world about future opportunities and others you are scared of what is to come. And I am here to tell you that this is OKAY. It is okay to be scared, nervous, worried, upset, and disappointed. This is because even if you don’t realize it at the time, God is already working on the sequel, the next big moment in your movie of life. I promise you at this very moment as you are sitting here reading this, he is working on 10 billion things in your life right now and you may only recognize three. He is working behind the scenes to create the beautiful masterpiece of your life.
Of course just like any great film, there are bloopers. This is where God challenges us to laugh at our mistakes and learn from them. Sometimes the best scenes in life take a couple of takes but that is OKAY. God will meet you wherever you are at. He is willing to wait for you wherever you are and walk with you to where you want to be. This is one of the coolest things in the world. Just think about it, you can be going through life in fast forward or maybe even rewind or pause and God will present in your life wherever you are and He will wait as long as you need before your film continues. This goes for any and every event, hope, wish, or desire under the spectrum. Whether it be your faith journey, a personal goal such as getting a new PR this track, or passing your math test, He's got you!
When the movie of your life gets sad, He will be there with a tissue. When the movie of your life gets scary and you are afraid to open your eyes, He will hold your hand and comfort you. When the movie of your life has you filled with joy and laughter, He will be there to smile with you.
Matthew 28:20 “Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
If you were only skimming through this article up until this point, this is what you should know. Jesus says:
I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS TO THE END OF THE AGE. WITH. Jesus does not say will be, not should be, not would be. He says I am WITH you and that is something truly spectacular.
~peace n' blessings~