You must be this tall to ride this ride at the carnival.
Life has no height preference towards your ups and downs or how many times you go around and around before it's time for you to exit the ride. However, as life goes on and you start to mature you being to experience obstacles that are directed more towards how you would handle it within you adulthood, or in other words determine how "tall" you are.
It's how we choose to react towards situations that deem our height in life. Life may not have a preference when it comes to the real world and how you must deal with it. Some days you'll realize yourself in the continuous cycle of going round and round like a horse on a carousel and at points find yourself on the ups or maybe even the downs of the ride.
No matter what situation you're in, know that life is just a beautiful ride and you'd rather be riding with the potential of heading up than being stuck on the ground.