When I was a little girl I used to think that if I grew older life would be better and easier. Day after day, I realize more and more that it is the exact opposite. The older we get the more challenges life throws at us. We might get hurt and we might hurt others unintentionally. We fail many times which then we realize our mistakes and try again and again until we get them right. It is endless! Once you overcome a challenge you immediately find yourself facing another one. Life tests us many times and the way we handle problems becomes more efficient the older we get. Every mistake is an experiment preparing us to make better decisions the next time we face a similar situation. It is true that life gets harder the older you get but it's only to teach us to grow and overcome.
As adults, we are expected to be independent, knowing the difference between what is good and what is evil. We have morals and ethics, which is why everything seems harder. We don't want to mess up in a way where we would look immature and we tend to want the best for all the people around us. We tend to face more problems the older we get because our plans don't always go the way we want them to. Also, as adults, we are much more emotional and we want to treat others the same way we like to be treated. Life gets harder as we get older because our life expectations increase.
Relatively, the older we get the more people we have in our lives. We start working at more than a job and we have responsibilities there. We meet new people and we don't want to have unpleasant relationships with them. Also, getting into relationships and owning responsibilities to the partner. The more people you encounter in your life the more careful you have to be with the way you treat them. Sometimes you have to remove certain people in your life and sometimes others have to remove you from their lives. Either way, it is not easy but this is how life is and if we ever get hurt it is only to make us stronger and more independent.
Life is like a bumpy long mountain. As you climb this mountain you hit all the bumps and sometimes even fall back, but as you get older, you realize that you need to keep going up until you reach the top. The bumps get deeper and deeper but you become stronger and stronger. Life will never get easier but it will teach you things you never knew about. Enjoy the ups and downs of this life and remember that everything happens for a reason.