Given that we just witnessed the final debate of the 2016 election, it is important for us all to seriously consider what type of world we want to live in ― the type of world we want to leave for future generations. Will we let bigotry win? Will we allow children to grow up in a world where hate consumes the people around them? Or will we use this time to show the world that we have the strength and humanity to keep a monster out of the White House? Some may say "monster" is a strong word to describe Trump, but his following stances on how to, "Make America Great Again," illustrate that describing him as a monster may even be an understatement:
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One of Trump's biggest platforms is that the United States should force Mexico to pay and build a wall to separate themselves from "us," claiming that, "all Mexicans are rapists." The allegation against Mexicans is not only false, but Trump is lumping together groups of people into one category White Supremacists created ― the undocumented in the United States are Spanish, Hispanic, Latino, or anyway they choose to identify themselves. They are people who have been oppressed by the United States for centuries, unable to stay in their homelands because of the horrors we committed. These people are not "illegal aliens," their existence as a human beings isn't illegal, nor are they less than human; they are undocumented immigrants seeking a better life because we continually destroy theirs. Will we let Trump have the power to further harm these marginalized people?
Giving Trump nuclear launch codes is both deadly and terrifying. His temper and unpredictably does not partner well with the power to start a nuclear WWIII. His active hatred towards those who are not white, male, US citizens makes the rest of the world a target for his violence (minus Russia if he and Putin become best buddies). In turn, the rest of the world will be coming for us ― Trump will convey the Unites States to be a place that breeds hate and fear, a place the rest of the world will be eager to destroy. Will we let our future generations live in a war-torn country?
Despite his ridiculous claims that, "No one has more respect for women than I," Trump doesn't see any value in women, other than being a piece of ass he can touch in anyway he chooses. Given his lack of respect for a woman's mind and capability to exist successfully in the public sphere, who's to say he won't try to revoke the 19th Amendment, taking away women's right to vote? After all, with Trump, anything horrifying is possible. I mean do we really want the next Hugh Hefner sitting in the oval office?
Trump's presence is literally a breeding ground for White Supremacists who believe they are better than everyone else, that every "other" must be removed before they infiltrate the "American" way of life. While other races, ethnicities, sexualities, genders and religions still face oppression, cruelty and marginalization, we should be moving forward to remove such injustice, not regressing back to barbaric ways of violence, murder, lynching and rape. Will we allow the new KKK mascot be our next president?
The installation of Trump as president will be our allowance for the next Hitler to exist in the United States. For just as Hitler saw the Jewish as a threat to "purity," Trump holds the same mentality for Muslims. Islam is one of, if not the most, peaceful religions out there, and it is wrong for us to clump all Muslims together because of the wrongs done by a few extremists. For every religion, every group, has extremists that exert inhumane violence, but that does not mean we have the right to oppress all those who hold the same identifiers, especially ones that differ from being white, Christian, heterosexual, cisgender males. Will we let Trump, a white extremist, have the power to condemn the innocent as threats that must be obliterated?
For if we give Trump the executive power to view the world in this way, it's going to be: