I remember the days when being 20 was such a distant concept and now I'm six months away from actually turning 20. Where does the time go? Why does it fly so fast?
It feels like in a quick minute my problems turned from what ice cream flavor I was going to have after school to what job I'm going to have after I graduate from college or what internship I'm going to have over the summer. My luxuries changed from wanting to stay up late on a school night to desperately wanting to get into bed by 11pm.
At 5-years old, I did not expect that this is what adulthood would be like. The world is not kind to you anymore. You fall into a routine of going to work or school and you sit there wondering if one day this is all going to change.
You feel as if you've lost your childhood spirit. Where was that excitement you once had about turning 20? Why is this excitement replaced with resentment? Is it because of your growing amount of responsibilities or your lack of sleep? At what stage do we begin to hate growing up?
I'm still trying to figure out the answer to these seemingly difficult questions that I may never find.