Life (/līf/) noun. the sequences of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual
Life is one epic journey. Think about it, you are one single person out of seven billion globally. Sometimes it is hard to conceptualize why our story should matter. We may feel as though we are slipping through the cracks towards oblivion; one thing upon another. This is what I like to call the Lemon Effect. Do you know the phrase, "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade?" In theory, this is a phrase of optimism, but if you know anything about making lemonade, you need the perfect balance of sour from the lemons and sweet from the sugar. In life, the lemons represent the hardships while the sugar is something sweet. A perfect ratio is necessary to learn from mistakes and achieve new experiences. However, what if life is just handing you too many lemons? The lemons are overpowering the sweetness and now things turn sour. You start to feel overwhelmed, juggling five lemons at a time but more are being thrown and you can't keep up. Instead of trying to dump them all into your lemonade, take some easy, small steps to relieve the sting of the acidic fruit:
1. Breathe
Breathe in, breathe out. You will make it through.
2. Take a walk
Fresh air works wonders. Clear your head for your mind body and soul. Don't be afraid to strut your stuff.
3. Look at pictures and videos of cute puppers
If this does not make you smile, I don't know what will.
4. Eat something sweet
Nothing like balancing out the sour that life is throwing at you with a little something sweet (or big).
5. Take a power nap
It is a great feeling to forget about life's stresses for a little while and wake up feeling energized. Win Win!
6. Take a hot shower
Similar to a nap, a shower can provide an escape and you will come out feeling energized and clean. Win Win Win!
7. Smile
I know it may seem hard at the time, but a simple smile releases endorphins which make you happier and reduces stress levels.
Good things are coming, I promise. Remember, it takes a few tries to get the perfect lemonade mixture.