Generalized Anxiety Disorder is defined as a psychological disorder characterized by excessive or disproportionate anxiety about several aspects of life, such as work, social relationships, or financial matters. It affects about 1 in 8 teenagers, and about 6.8 million adults. Statistically speaking you will encounter someone with GAD in some point in your lifetime. Speaking from experience, I feel like sharing 5 pictures that illustrate how living with GAD is.
1. We get anxious about being anxious.
Don't be rude and say that all our pain is just "in our head"; anxiety can manifest into nausea, muscle aches, fever, insomnia, and becoming lightheaded.
3. "Am I anxious or am I sick?"
I can not explain to you how many times I have sat with my head between my hands repeating this question.
4. "Hey uhm... I can't go out tonight, something came up."
If you suffer from GAD, you have probably spent hours trying to find an excuse not to go out or spent hours in front of a mirror repeating this phrase so it sounds legit.
5. Worst-case scenarios are on replay in our heads.
No, we are not over-exaggerating, we just think the worst of everything. We constantly worry that the most bizarre scenarios clouding our minds will come true to hurt us or our loved ones.