I think we can all admit that life is a wasteland of despair and strife. However, lucky enough for us not everything is this world is absolutely terrible. So in the midst of political disarray, heartbreak, job disappointment, and all the other sucky every day things we have to deal with here are some things to keep you going.
1. Sloths Exist
They do! These little guys are adorable and they make everything better. Having a bad day? I'm not sure why I asked that of course you are! Go google those little creepy guys and you'll instantly be smiling.
2. Cupcakes
Cupcakes are perfect because you can't eat a whole cake without the judgment of others, but if you eat like four of these "miracles of God" you are sure to feel better and you can just throw away the evidence so know one will ever know what you did.
3. Sam Smith Music
He's a musical genius and his sweet smooth voice eases away the inevitable sadness that comes with life.
4. Joe Biden Memes
I can't get enough of these things. If you don't laugh at the Obama and Joe Biden memes then we can't be friends...no exceptions.
5. This Website
Trust me just click on it you won't regret it.
6. Star Wars: Episode VIII
For all my fellow nerds, or otherwise known as intellectual badasses, out there this movie makes is debut this year. Come on we all know that this is the only reason 2017 isn't going to suck. Although, Rogue One didn't make 2016 any less shitty.
7. Cats
Cats are great. Cat videos are hilarious and adorable at the same time. Plus as an emotionally stunted person, I relate to cats in a very personal way.