We all go through life changes that can be both scary and amazing. This last year alone, I moved out of my parents house and began learning how to budget my finances better. This was a huge move for me. However, moving out of my parents house also meant moving to a new city with almost no friends. It didn't take me long to make some really solid friends from my workplace that I hangout with frequently. Moving away was a huge life changer... but it also made me become more of who I am going to be for the rest of my life- a functioning adult member of society. I became editor in chief for the Odyssey, I achieved my bartending goals. I made friendships that will last a lifetime, and met a wonderful man that I am proud to be dating.
My new life, or as I like to call it, my post moving out life, is everything that my younger self would have dreamt for my older self. I keep busy, I write on here. I cook, I work, I am finishing up school. It is my last semester, finally. I cannot wait to be done with classes- and its grinding time. I picked the opportune time to move out as I am finishing up classes to get a taste of what the real world is like before I graduate.
Living so close to the school campus proves to be rewarding in that I can walk to classes. However it is also a pain living on one of the main party streets of Fitchburg State. Got to say, all the yelling freshmen walking by have another thing coming if they think college is all about parties. I wouldn't trade a quiet night in with my friends for a party night ever. People change and life changes. And that's normal and perfectly ok.