It takes a special kind of person to become a teacher, but going through the training and teacher education program can drive some of those special people away. This is dedicated to those who bravely decided to stick it out.
1. When you first take a look at the syllabus.
At that moment you realized that your life might as well go out the window. Between the countless number of lesson plans, projects and tests, you also have to complete many observation hours and reports. Say goodbye to your friends for the next few months.
2. After you give your first ever lesson.
You spent weeks compiling everything you learned in your psychology classes, technical classes and observations into one single lesson. And no one participated. You would ask a question and would get the universal blank stare. So much for trying to make it fun and interactive.
3. When you know that little Johnny in the front row knows the answer.
During your student teaching, you see so many kids who just don't want to answer the questions. You know that they understand, and you're just wishing for that moment that someone finally speaks up so you don't stand in front of the class looking awkward.
4. When you get a good grade on your philosophy, lesson plans, or any other assignment that took forever.
You put your heart and soul into every assignment because you will either use them in the future or put them in a portfolio to show that you are qualified and can graduate. Getting hired as a teacher is the main objective here, but getting an A is the icing on the cake.
5. When a fellow education major has a lesson plan for you to use.
In the world of education, we are encouraged to share lesson plans and PowerPoints with our peers. When you are wanting to teach something but have nothing prepared, just ask around. I'm sure someone has what you are looking for.
6. When you first meet your supervising teacher.
Usually the teacher who you are paired up with in the real world has a lot of experience in their field and you can only strive to be like them. Some day you will get there... some day.
7. When you have a lesson plan due tomorrow.
As an education major, you are pretty organized so when you forget to do an assignment it is the end of the world.
8. When every theory about teaching is thrown at you in one semester.
Learning about all of the different ways to teach can be very helpful and stressful. When everything is thrown your way, you have to just accept it and study your butt off. Maybe if you memorize all of the theories you will get a B on that exam.
9. When you get done with your final lesson for the semester.
The last lesson of the semester is the best feeling ever. You have made it through your observation hours, making the lesson plans and mastering the brains of up to 35 children. This is truly a moment to celebrate.
10. At the end of the day, you love your major.
No matter how many lesson plans you have to write or how many observation hours you have to do, you love your life.