What is the definition of life anyway?
Well, if you Bing search the word you’ll find this: “The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.”That makes enough sense for just about no one…
We are all stuck here, on planet Earth, (at least for the time being) living our lives day in and day out and we are all seemingly trying to find some sort of happiness out of this word, “life.”
Now I am no one’s mother and I hope to keep it that way for a while, so I’m not trying to sit here and have “the birds and the bees” talk with anyone.
However, I do need to get something off my chest.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the ups and downs of life, and why we are all forced to go through extreme lows at some point or another.
Everyone has his/her own story to tell, and every single person will surprise you with that story. Most of the time the individual will comment about how life can be so tough or stressful, and may not even seem worth it at times.
That is such a negative seed to put in your head.
Life is supposed to be our entire purpose. We are here to live and to leave a mark, some how. We are all here with a certain skill or trade that we find passion in. we are all complete with our own set of thoughts and hopes about how life should go and when things don’t go our way we tend to lose focus on our passions and narrow in on the awful and negative aspects, but we never stop to really think…
Life is easy.
People, people make it difficult.
People will test you. People will push your buttons. People will rob your house the week before Christmas. People will do all kinds of awful things, and to other people. Species, fighting its own—but that all goes hand in hand with survival of the fittest, right?
Okay fine, but what happens when you make it to the top? You beat everyone down that was in your way, but you did it; you made it big. So now you’ll sit in your cozy office in some tall building off in a big-name city somewhere. You’ll live your life, and then you’ll die.
Now, think about the homeless man that lost everything because his wife died from cancer and he has no money left to pay her hospital bills. He’s also living a life, and a content one at that, (believe it or not) and he too will die eventually.
Both types of people, living two completely different lives, but I guarantee they both have their ups and they both have their downs. Status will never change the fact that nothing is perfect but also that anything could be worse.
Though, we may all be born with our own purpose as to how we will spend life, we can’t know who will walk into our lives and mess everything up, and who will help us succeed.
I do know one thing though; the word “life” seems to be taking all the infamous credit. We tend to blame all the negative things on life, and its curve balls. When in reality we seem to throw these curve balls ourselves.
People, I mean.
We like to put the blame on other people and other things, but what happens in your personal life is 100% up to you. What you let affect your happiness and wellbeing is up to the way you think and speak.
Everything that goes through our minds is what creates us as people, its makes us who we are. In the same sense, what you think, you eventually end up manifesting into words and speaking these thoughts aloud.
If you speak with a negative undertone, you will see more negative things arise in your life. That’s just how it happens. You start meeting more negative people and you will start to think the way they think and stress will eventually swarm your once happy life.
Don’t let people complicate your life by what they are doing with theirs. Don’t let what someone says affect the way you look at a situation you once loved. Don’t let another person determine your happiness and your outlook about life, and how you’re supposed to live yours.
We were all given our own minds, hearts and bodies to live this life. We weren’t created to let other people destroy our vision of what is right. We were created to live happily, but to also live strong and smart.
The key to keeping what you want is to not want a lot.
Life is easy.
Don’t let other people’s minds, hearts and bodies complicate how you spend life in your body with your mind and your heart because at the end of the day, you are the one that has to live with your thoughts. No one needs negative thoughts to rule their life.
Remember, life’s easy.
Don’t be a person that complicates it with negativity.