Lately I've had a realization of life, death and everything in between. I've come to terms with processing different events in my life; here is me working through them while putting pen to paper.
Life doesn’t necessarily guarantee us anything. That’s a scary thought, but it's true. To life we’re just mere specks in a vast world. Coming to terms with life and death is unexplainable and difficult. Once you realize things happen to people, people die, people get born into this life, you sit back and wonder what your part is in all of it.
Life doesn’t stop for anyone. It's your choice whether you dwell on something negative or allow yourself to feel the emotion and simply accept it. Accepting things are also impossible for people. We just want to deny and deny that something bad is occurring but once you come to peace with the fact, it's inevitable you can’t stay mad at life. You simply have to realize that it's just another thing we have to adjust too.
Life is a weird concept. It's weird and confuses everyone. No one truly knows the meaning of life; it has many scattered opinions. Because that’s just it: life means something different to everyone. While one person thinks life is about succeeding and making a name for oneself someone, someone else might see it differently- they see it as a gift and want to experience it first hand and not be a passive bystander.
Death is another concept one can’t grasp. It’s a cycle and again, it's inevitable. You want to be mad, you want to pretend that it's not there, but it has a way of demanding attention. It has a way of reminding you that nothing is guaranteed, that it’s up to you and what you do with your time is all on you.
As weird as it sounds you have to come to terms with death. You have to sign the agreement statement and understand all the rules and conditions whether you like it or not. I’ve seen people try and deny that and rip that statement to shreds but they’re the ones who never truly live, they only live with the aspect of death around the corner and that’s no way of living.
You have to live with a purpose. Everyone’s different but everyone has a common goal. You want to live, you want to make a difference in someone’s life whether that be minuscule or grand it's up to you.
Accepting the fact that bad things happen is the first step in getting your life back. It sucks and you will be knocked down and tried and put through tests. You just have to know you will eventually get back up, at your own pace and you will not dwell on it. You will create an amicable relationship with that fact and grow and move on.
Life wont stop for you, life wont guarantee you anything. It's up to you to try and navigate the rocky waters and find your place and say what you believe, and feel how you want to feel and wholeheartedly come in tune with yourself.
Life doesn’t wait for anyone.