I am the type of person who lives on plans. I plan out almost every aspect of my life. From what I going to wear one day to my future life in 5 years. Plans make me feel good.
However, life itself hates individualized plans. It has its own plan and it barely ever agrees with your plan. This makes life an emotional rollercoaster because it gives you high highs and low lows. It's exhausting, especially right now because it feels like every other day I am a feeling a new set of emotions.
With this insanity, it ultimately leads to a greater good in life. It is the reason why I am a firm believer in the philosophy that everything happens for a reason. This is something I've believed in before actually having stories where I've experienced this myself.
An example of a time when life not going to plan actually turned out better is when I got rejected from 4 jobs over the course of the semester. I got a ton of rejections, and each rejection got harder to accept than the last one. However, it turned out to be a great thing that I didn't get any of the jobs.
All of the jobs involved some type of work on campus, and all of the jobs would've prevented me from being involved in a lot of the things I am involved with now. I love all of the things I am apart now. Each thing I do around campus makes me happy and fulfills me in some type of way.
On top of that, I have made a lot of great friendships this past year. If I had gotten any of those jobs, I would not have had time for them or have possibly even met them. As it is right now, I barely have time to see my friends and that's because I am so busy with everything that I do.
I am so lucky for the friendships and experiences I have made this past year, and I am so happy that I didn't get those jobs I applied for because I may not have had these experiences. These people are people who inspire me to be a better person on a daily basis and I need them in my life.
Yes getting rejected from these jobs sucked in the moment, but these friendships give me way more happiness than any of those jobs would have. Life didn't go to plan in those moments, but life took me along on a ride that lead to an even better place. I am glad life didn't go accordingly to plan because of this reason.
When life doesn't follow your plan, instead of resisting it, embrace it. Everything happens for a reason, and it will lead to something so amazing that you will be thankful about it. It will suck in the moment, but that moment will go away and the happiness will last way longer.
Trust me, I know it because it's happened to me. I am literally living proof of it.