When you're a senior in high school, you usually have an idea of what college or university you want to attend. Then comes the process of picking your major, the one decision that is crucial to your four years of higher education. Picking your major can be stressful and high school guidance counselors make it sound like the end of the world if you cannot figure out a major.
I was personally victimized by my high school guidance counselor. I remember sitting down in her office and getting lectured about how I need to make my decision about what I wanted to do for the rest of my life right then and there. Being frightened because I was thrown under the bus for already failing my post high school life, I picked a major based on my art interests without doing any research about the jobs that major pertains to or beginning salaries for when I graduate college.
I'd like to point out that you still have to ask to use the bathroom when you're a senior in high school. How are we expected to make decisions that affect the rest of our lives? Well at that age, whether it be 17 or 18, we have no clue what life is or how to handle it.
Here is a picture to explain being 18 and figuring life out:
Thanks, Xzibit!
Anyway, when you get to college you are going to do one of two things. Enjoy your major and prosper or cry. Just cry.
When I started college, I was a graphic design major. When I started classes, which was two days after I started college, I instantly started crying. The classes were graded on a subjective scale and I could not understand the techniques of graphic design. I did not want to have an in-depth conversation about abstract design or colors. It's not interesting, trust me. I was annoyed that I made the decision to be a graphic design major and I ran to my academic advisor like a freight train to fix that. I was so mad that I wasted my money (thanks, Uncle Sam) on those credits. Now, I'm a semester behind on graduating.
When you're having that life or death talk with your high school guidance counselor or anyone for that matter, DO NOT listen to them. You have your entire life to figure it out.
For those of you who are currently in school with degrees they hate: it's okay. You do NOT have to pursue that degree. Just get that piece of paper and you can do whatever you want. In reality, all you really need is a degree to do something in this world. For those college freshmen or soon to be college students: do not fret. Go undecided. You should get your education requirements out of the way. Do not waste your money on classes you may not even need to graduate. Trust me. From experience, you will be happy in the long run.
Stay classy, friends.