It's the one food that college students seem to crave and consume on a daily basis. Perhaps because it's the most appealing meal at the dining hall? Or maybe because it's amazingly delicious? Either way that's probably the reason why the Freshman 15 is real as hell. The saying, "a minute on the lips, forever on the hips" accurately describes the effect pizza has on the human body. But none of this crap matters to the famous and lovable character Joey Tribbiani from "Friends". He is a connoisseur of food and rarely misses the opportunity to express his fondness for pizza (when he's not too busy talking about sandwiches). Here are some of his best moments that every college student might find relatable.
1. When he's teaching Carl (his hired identical twin) that pizza is always his first choice of food, just like it is for most students who visit the dining hall.
2. When he gets upset that Phoebe ordered a pizza without him. It sucks feeling left out when your friends decide to hang out and splurge on yummy food.
3. When you want your friends to share the pizza because you can't afford your own.
4. But you hesitate to give them a slice when you pay for it. After all, college is expensive and pizza ain't cheap.
5. When he tells Rachel's sister he embraces his figure and doesn't care about gaining a little bit of weight. Maybe, Joey, has it figured out? The Freshman 15 is inevitable...isn't it?
6. Lastly, if you ever feel alone, you can always find a friend in pizza.
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