I am the first to admit that I am a huge Disney movie fan. In the process of watching a lot of Disney movies, I have come across my favorite character: Flynn Rider from "Tangled." Flynn Rider is my level of sarcasm and sass, and he is basically the perfect example of a college student. Here is college, as told by Flynn Rider.
1. When people ask what your plans for after college are.
Let's be honest, we might not know what our major is going to be, but we definitely know that we want to make money. Like, enough money to buy a castle.
2. Walking past your ex, or a crowd of professors whose class you failed.
Honestly, this is the worst. You broke up/got broken up with for a reason. Seeing a professor whose class you failed is like seeing your mom when you didn't do the dishes. It's terrifying.
3. When you discover SparkNotes.
SparkNotes is the Holy Grail for English and non-English majors alike. If you don't want or don't have the time to read the assigned books, SparkNotes has you covered.
4. Switching your major, then realizing you don't like it.
OK, let's be honest. We've all changed our major, and have probably changed it again. And maybe even again. One new dream becomes another.
5. Signing up for an 8 a.m. class.
It may have sounded good at the time, but you will come to regret this decision. Probably on the first day of class.
6. When it's finals season.
Nothing makes students want to faceplant more than finals. Flynn's got the right idea.
7. Trying to get extra credit.
No matter how much sucking up to a teacher you do, trying to get extra credit to turn that C into a B is not very likely.
8. When you teacher assigned a 10+ page paper.
*says with enough sarcasm to sink a ship*
9. Looking at your grades.
Trying to contain your fear at seeing your grades after you first exam should be an Olympic event.
10. When someone offers you food.
Food is the greatest gift that anyone can offer a college student. If you disagree, you aren't a college student.
11. Trying to get to lunch before the crowd.
The 12 o'clock lunch rush is utter madness. Especially to the good dining halls.
12. Talking about life after college.
College is an adventure, but the real world is one too. Once you graduate, you get to start your new dream.