Life After College: 10 Things On My Post-Grad To-Do List | The Odyssey Online
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Life After College: 10 Things On My Post-Grad To-Do List

It's good set goals and be accountable - Here's my to-do list for the coming year.

Life After College: 10 Things On My Post-Grad To-Do List
Asia McArdell

I have three months until I start my Graduate Certificate of Business. I enrolled in a seven week online Marketing course that begins in March. It's much more legitimate than it sounds. Now that I have graduated and become a sorority alumna, I find myself wondering what will I do with my time. I'm still going to be working, my internship was extended and my new end date is in April. Although that takes up a huge chunk of my time, I'm still left with my evenings and weekend.

I'm a list maker. It makes me feel good to organize everything in one place and start checking them off. To keep myself accountable I have chosen to put that list here! Perhaps my to-do list will also inspire other graduate in their post-grad haze.

1. Books.

I have a huge stack of books on my nightstand begging to be read. Expect some book reviews in the new year. I also want to reread Harry Potter and Game of Thrones.

2. Getting back to my music.

I haven't touched my Viola in too long and I want to get better with my Ukulele. Perhaps then I can join a band and become famous. It's healthy to have dreams.

3. Staying active!

I have been going to the gym during my internship, but just enough that I haven't gained weight from sitting at a desk all day. With all the extra time I'll have, I want to start going four days during the week and finding some way to be active on the weekends. I'm not driving all the way to the office to workout on the weekends. I'm thinking a local yoga studio or a Zumba class?

4. Research and select a philanthropy to become consistently involved with.

I'm provided with many volunteer opportunities at work, but I would like to join an organization that I can become involved with on a long-term basis.

5. Develop my culinary skills.

I'm constantly pinning recipes on my Pinterest Board, it would be nice if I actually made some of them. I'm sure my family would also appreciate a break from cooking.

6. Maintain my most important friendships.

When I graduated high school I thought that I had a lot of friends. Four years later I am in consistent contact with two people from high school. I don't want that to happen with my college friends, especially with my sorority sisters. However, there's only so much time in everyone's schedules, but I want to make sure I'm maintaining relationships with the people who mean the most to me.

7. Love my dogs more.

I have been so busy with work and school and sorority that my dogs have been getting the short end of the stick this year. I love them so much and I want to start spending more time with them, beyond napping together. That means taking walks and playing more - maybe even trying to teach the old dogs new tricks, since they're pretty poorly behaved.

8. Be a better sister.

This one's not for my sorority sisters, it's for my brother. With more time, I want to make sure I'm remembering to ask him about his day. I've been selfish recently. One day (hopefully in the near future) I won't live at home anymore and our relationship will change. I need to make the most of the time I have with my family now.

9. Focus on professional development.

My goal is to attain full-time permanent employment in April, when my internship ends. I want to make sure I'm making the most of opportunities presented to me, at work and outside of work, to network and develop myself in an effort to further my career.

10. Be adventurous.

This is a vague action item, but sometimes I need a reminder to put myself out there. Now is the time to take advantage of being young and (somewhat) worry-free! I don't want to develop regrets - something that we all should consider.

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