As the first rays of sunshine flow through the windows, you roll over to face your partner, smiling and laughing because you're well rested. You lay in bed for a few more hours just looking into each other's eyes because it's Saturday and you're in love. This is how it goes until you have a baby...or get a cat.
Now, it's five o'clock in the morning on your only day off from work this month. The sun hasn't even come up yet and you're already up. The cat has jumped up on your nightstand, put his face right next to your ears and begins to scream at the top of his lungs. He's hungry and needs you to immediately come to the kitchen to give him a can of wet food, even though you heard him munching on his dry food 20 minutes ago.
Oh, and he only eats the salmon and shrimp kind, so God forbid if you run out, you have to go to the store right away to get some or else he won't eat-anything. He won't eat actual turkey, or chicken, or salmon. Only the salmon cat food. He has expensive taste. But you love him, so you buy the damn salmon and shrimp.
Then he starts to eat, but he needs you to stand right next to him in the kitchen as he does or else he won't eat. So, there you stand in the kitchen, half asleep in your pajamas, because you love your cat and you can't stand to listen to him scream anymore, which he will begin to do immediately if you so much as step away from him.
After breakfast, he wants to play. His favorite toy is a string on a plastic rod, but the string is only about one centimeter long because he has ripped the rest of it off while playing. But, he still only wants to play with this one, particular toy. If you don't drag across the floor for him to chase right now, he will bite you instead of the string. Eventually, you'll have to replace the string with a new one, but it better be on the same plastic rod or else he'll notice the difference.
After play time is over, he starts to get drowsy. This is the part where he wants to cuddle, so it's your favorite part of the day. Then, he falls asleep on one of the many boxes of blankets that you have scattered around the apartment for him. He curls up in a ball and you marvel over how angelic he looks when he isn't chasing toy mice around the house.
After his nap, the process begins all over again. He eats, he plays, he sleeps, and eventually he takes a bathroom break. This continues all day long, until you wear him out enough that he falls asleep when the sun goes down. Finally, it's your turn to rest and you're exhausted, but you also can't wait for his little meow to wake you up again to do it all over tomorrow. Adopting him was the best choice you ever made.