I had always heard my older friends talking about the "struggles" of being a broke college kid, and in the months leading up to move-in, my parents would constantly remind me to save my money because soon I would have no income. I never really put too much thought into what it would be like without a job as a freshman, but now that I am finally in that situation, I wish I would've mentally prepared myself a little more.
There are so many things that I took for granted while having a job at home. I had always been one to overwork myself and take as many shifts as I could because, well, I loved having money in my hands that I could spend on whatever I felt like spending it on. Now that I have no income, and I don't want to touch my savings, I am in a state of shock. It seems so easy for some kids to just throw money out on whatever they please, but I feel way too guilty after spending only $20 on a shirt for myself.
There is nothing I miss more than being able to treat myself at the mall, or go out to lunch with a group of friends without feeling guilty for spending money on something that disappears so quickly. I now find it hard to even buy myself necessities without cringing at the register. The reality of being a "broke college student" knocked me right on the ground after I realized I could no longer financially support my nightly Cookout habits, nor could I justify spending $5.34 every night of the week on food that I shouldn't even be eating in the first place. The "broke college kid" life is not the life for me, and I warn all of you high school seniors to prepare yourself for this massive change in lifestyle.