Why is it that our society values looks so much?
Taking a step back and reflecting on all of the important people in my life, I have discovered that the very essence of our being takes root in our relationships.
Relationships with others are based on trust, loyalty, compassion and kindness. We all have something to offer, yet we often subconsciously diminish others values because they're not perfect. No one is perfect. But that doesn't mean that their hearts aren't filled with an unconditional wealth of love and sincerity.
Luckily, I have never been consumed with the idea of only befriending people for their looks. In my book, the more relationships I can create with those I encounter throughout my days, the merrier. Excluding, judging or straying away from developing relations with people because they don't fit your social scene, or an unattainable status of eye pleasing perfection that you value on a surface level, only results in your own loss.
To love someone means to see beyond their looks, which honestly does not amount to much without a devoted and happy personality. Physical attraction is undeniable, but real attraction lies within someone's soul. Authentic beauty on the outside can only be reflected by who someone is on the inside.
With a generous and loving heart, anyone will be beautiful, gorgeous or sexy. In my eyes, the best-looking people I know are happy, humble and kind. Remember that looks will fade, but a beautiful heart will always be charming.