It's almost time. High school seniors from all over will anxiously slide into their soon-to-be alma mater's color-coordinated graduation gown and set upon one of the most important walks in one's life. It's a pastime to be remembered and for good reason; your hard work is finally paying off. A diploma with your name on it is awaiting you, and you couldn't wait for this day. That is, until now.
Now that the time is actually near, you don't know how to feel. Emotions are taking you over, but they are weird emotions...emotions that can't really be explained. You're stuck between a rock and a hard place. You want to run for the hills of your future, but you can't help but notice that gut-wrenching feeling of needing to turn back time and relive your high school days altogether. What you are feeling is completely normal. You have found your very own dosage of cold feet, and that's okay.
It's okay to be scared of moving on. You've grown up with the same people for 13+ years, and everything you've ever known is about to be flip-flopped upside down. But life gets better after graduating.
Don't forget to appreciate the people who helped mold you into you, but don't be afraid to move on either. College awaits you, and so do your future friends. I know you don't think you'll find anyone worthy of friendship outside a fifteen mile radius of your hometown, but the best friendships are the ones you never expected to find. Be open to the idea and let life surprise you. You'll be thankful for this advice soon enough.
When you leave the safety zone known as high school, that means you actually have to choose which direction to focus your life from now on. It sounds like the mother load of decisions to make, but don't let this task overwhelm you. It's a huge decision; don't get me wrong, but it's not as permanent as everyone makes it out to be. There's the option of changing your college major for a reason. Explore what you love, and you'll find your way. It truly doesn't need to be any more difficult than that.
Once you find your college home, not only will you make lifelong friends and declare a major, but you'll find yourself. We live on a great big world full of people, but there is only one you. Finding who you're meant to be in this crazy life is one of the most humbling, rewarding things one can go through.
It's okay to feel somewhat sad about graduating from high school, but don't let that sadness get in the way of what's next to come. Begin your next chapter, and don't look back. Life gets better, you'll see.