Life As a Shoe Addict | The Odyssey Online
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Life As a Shoe Addict

Being addicted to shoes is like being addicted to crack.

Life As a Shoe Addict

It’s 9 pm on a Monday night. You’d think I would be up doing homework or watching my Warriors close out the Portland series, which swept. But I am exhausted, and decide it is time for bed. Just another reminder of God telling me I am getting old.

So I close all my apps on my phone, and set my alarms. I rest my head on my pillow, and begin to close my eyes.

Just as I close my eyes, an imaginary alarm seems to go off in my head. It’s basically saying wake up, you dummy, there is a 20 percent off sale on Footlocker, and it’s the last day.

This seems to be the only alarm that wakes me up immediately, and I didn’t even set this one. I guess that’s just the way my brain works. I won’t wake up to my school or work alarms. But if there is some type of sale or early shoe release, my body will immediately wake itself up. Don’t even need an alarm.

So, here I am, contemplating whether or not I should wake up to spend a bunch of money on shoes I don’t need. This doesn't last long, as I decide it is necessary to partake in this sale.

I grab my phone, and immediately log into my VIP Footlocker account. I add several shoes into my cart. I proceed to look at the total estimate. My heart falls out of my chest, and when I see the triple digit number. Then I remember why I woke up in the first place. There is a 20 percent off sale, you moron. So long story short, I type in the coupon code, and again look at the price.

Ok, now this I can live with. Five shoes for a total of, ya I’m not gonna tell you how much came out of my pocket. Let’s just say it was better than before.

I submit my order, with a huge smile on my face. Knowing I just bought five shoes, makes me feel very happy. So happy in fact, that, that night, I slept like a baby.

To those listening to me tell this story, that has probably no relevance to you life whatsoever, you are probably thinking, what the hell is wrong with her?

Well, there is a lot that is wrong with me. Too many things to name. But pertaining to this story, it is the fact that I have a shoe addiction.

Yes shoe addictions are real. It may not be like smoking, doing drugs, or being sex addicts. But it is quite similar. Just like all of those addicts, shoe addicts have the same thoughts when they are cut off.

I need just one more, I promise I won’t buy anymore. Or spending tons of money on these materialistic items. It is seriously like crack. Once you get some, you can’t get enough of it.

Now sure being a shoe addict won’t put your life in danger or kill you like the others. Well, I am pretty sure being a sex addict can’t kill you.

Anyways, it is a real addiction. But it is one of those fun addictions. Probably not as fun as sex, but hey what do I know, that is not something i have partaken in.

The point is, it is one of those addictions I can live with. So far, it has not harmed me. Except for the piles of shoes on my floor, that cause me trip every night.

But besides that, being a so called sneakerhead is great.

When I tell people that I am a sneakerhead, they first ask what is that? And then when I tell them how many shoes I have, they think I am insane.

By the way, I have around 140 pairs, but who is counting.

But it is one of those things that I am not ashamed of. And trust me there are several things I am ashamed of. The fact that I am almost a legal midget is one. Or the fact that I cannot dance. Seriously, I can’t even whip and nae nae. And that’s like the easiest dance. My friends say it always looks like I am waving to someone, when I try to nae nae. Of course that didn’t stop me from dancing in front of a completely packed Taco Bell during the summer.

But of course I am getting off track again, which is probably why my articles are so freaking long. Sorry Lambert.

My point is I am not ashamed. It is part of what makes me who I am. Everyone has that one thing. Shoes is mine. It is what makes me unique. You probably won’t find someone with as many shoes as I do, at Millikin. Hell, probably not in all of Decatur.

So I might not be your typical girly girl always wearing frilly pink dresses or high heels. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have a sense of fashion. My fashion is just different than yours. I am the kind of girl you will see rocking a different pair of js everyday, rather than a different style of heels. And that’s ok. It’s what makes me Dom. And I am not ashamed.

Just like I was not ashamed to buy all these shoes Monday night. Even after having bought five the week before. And you know what, I will probably buy more this weekend. Told you it’s like crack. But hey, there are worse addictions.

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