Introverts are known as being shy, quiet, and nice to the general public. That may be true on the outside, but no one knows what’s going on inside their heads. I love being alone. I love being able to sit down with a book or music and just be by myself. I also love blasting the music and shouting the lyrics to the top of my lungs or reading the book aloud to myself and dramatically acting out scenes. That’s what society is missing when they think of introverts. I still love to act out and make a fool of myself, I’m just not about to do that when anyone else is around.
I hate making new friends. It’s too stressful and awkward so I’d rather just not do it. The conversation starts off with both of you trying to find common ground, and there are too many awkward pauses for my liking. Then of course you need to decide if you actually like the person, but that’s not enough either. They have to actually like you too. That’s the worst part too because throughout the whole ordeal you’re trying so hard to make yourself seem normal and nice even if you wholehearted believe you’re not! There’s always a voice in the back of your mind that’s thinking this person doesn’t even like you.
I hate talking on the phone. If it’s time to order dinner and the only way to get food is for me to call and place the order, we’re all starving. I don't even like talking to people I know most days, why would I want to have a conversation with a complete stranger, even if it involves pizza. I need to prepare exactly what I’m going to say to the man when he picks up and have everything written down so I don’t screw up, and then If I do, I’m a stuttering mess until I get off the phone. It’s an uncomfortable time in an introvert's life when they need to talk to strangers.
I hate seeing old friends. If I haven’t talked to you in a while and you see me on the street, keep walking. We would have never talked again in our lives so why bother starting a conversation now that you see me? You could’ve texted me years ago, you could’ve messaged me on Facebook, with today's social media presence there are plenty of ways you could've gotten in touch with me before now and you haven’t -- so why now? I do not want to have to stand there and make awkward small talk with you just because we both happen to be in line at Dunkin' Donuts. You keep your head down and I’ll avoid eye contact. Get your coffee and leave.
I hate those teachers or professors who take participating so seriously in class. Yes, I know the answer you’re looking for, but I’m not about to raise my hand. What makes you think I want all these people staring at me? I don’t. It always seems like the most ridiculous people are the ones who raise their hands in class. The boys or girls that could talk for hours while everyone else is just staring at them because they’re making no sense whatsoever but they just keep talking. So no, I don’t want to be associated with them, and no I don’t want to have my grade suffer because of that.
There are so many reasons being an introvert is annoying and gets in the way of life, but I love it. I love that I can handle being alone for a while and not have to rely on conversing with others. I love that I don’t have a million friends because the small group I do have, I know I can trust no matter what. I love that those friends will call up the pizza place with my order so I don’t have to. Just accept who you are as a person, and the people who love you should, too.