Growing up The Beatles were one of my all-time favorite bands. Their music is not only unique and catchy, but it is more than just that. Each song I listened to has been something I could refer back to later in life. I quote them more often than any normal person should because no matter how simplistic you consider their music to be, you can’t help but admit that they knew some stuff about life. These are just a few of the lessons they taught me throughout the years, as well as some of my favorite tracks:
1. Can’t buy me love
This song is a reminder that at the end of the day money will never be able to buy the things that really matter in life.
2. Yesterday
This is a song about the good old days. About how life can go from being care free to being a burden. We all have experienced this feeling, and this song does a good job at portraying it.
3. I want to hold your hand
You know that feeling you get when you see your crush walk through the door. This is it.
4. Let it be
There are so many things in life we simply can’t control. This has been one of the best pieces of advice I have taken and have in turn given out. Just let it be. Let go of the headache and stress, and just let what you can’t control be.
5. With a little help from my friends
Friends are the best, and there are always a handful you can count on to be there when you need them. They help us get through those rough days.
6. Here comes the sun
No matter how awful a day might seem, just remember the hard times don’t last, and that the sun will indeed shine once again in your life. You have to make it through the storm to see the rainbow at the end.
7. Come together
Together we are stronger than apart.
8. We can work it out
Love rises above hate. Next time you and a loved one get into a disagreement remember, as the Beatles would say “Life is very short, and there’s no time for fussing and fighting my friend.” Work it out, and live happily.
9. A hard Day’s night
Life is not easy. You have to work hard to make it, but at the end of the day it will all be worth it.
10. Help!
We all need help every once in a while, and it is important to remember that you are not alone when you do.