Life as an Identical Twin | The Odyssey Online
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Life as an Identical Twin

I may be a twin, but I am one of a kind

Life as an Identical Twin
Tori Simmons

First off, I want to start off this article by stating that I do not claim to be a spokesperson for all twins. I believe it is important to know that every set of twins has a very unique relationship; some twins are extremely close and attached to one another, while others are distant and more independent from one another. Not all twins own the idea of "being a twin"; for myself, I often forget that I am a twin until someone else reminds me. However, some twins make their lives revolved around the idea of being a twin. And then some twins fall in between these two extremes. Ultimately, like every person in this world, every set of twins is different.

As for me and my twin sister, you could ask anyone and they would instantly tell you that we are completely different people. My twin sister, Maddy, and I do bicker and argue a lot because of this, but at the end of the day, we are close in our own unusual way. Maddy is extremely goofy - she can intentionally or unintentionally make any human being laugh in an instant. For myself, I am more witty and sarcastic with my humor, though still funny (although Maddy may disagree). Maddy is extremely easy-going, friendly, carefree, and marches to the beat of her own drum. She does not stress about things she simply cannot control and tends to be more careful with her words. Although I have similar attributes, I am different in that I am never afraid to vocalize my ideas. l also tend to be a perfectionistic about certain aspects of my life, making stress a common visitor. Although there are some similarities, our differences in personality are very distinct and noticeable to those who truly get to know us.

We also have many different interests. Maddy likes hanging out friends, playing tennis, obsessing over Dunkin Donuts, and listening to Taylor Swift. I personally like writing, reading political articles, going to art museums, and adventuring new places. What I am trying to emphasize is that we have created our own identities. Although some twins may be extremely similar in personality and interests, every twin has their own identity and has the right to be treated as their own person. I have the every right to be Tori, as well as Maddy has every right to be Maddy and it gets EXTREMELY frustrating when people try to treat us as though we are one single person. I do understand that being a twin is an oddity, especially being an identical twin. However, looking like the same person does not inherently make us the same person, and therefore we should be treated as though we are two separate beings. This is why it is uncomfortable to be constantly compared to my twin. I am my own human being and I do not sit and ponder about all the ways that I am better or worse than my twin sister. Most people are not compared to another person and immediately labeled as the "prettier one" or the "smarter one". These types of labels and identifications are hurtful because I do not think of my twin as someone I need be better than, and to be placed in a constant competition with a person that I care about makes it difficult to be comfortable with just being me at times. I ask that people stop comparing twins to one another, because it causes twins to feel like they need to compete to be their own person. Every twin, as well as any other human being, has the right to feel like they can be themselves. I believe that the idea of twins being identical in character needs to be shut down.

At the end of the day, I do love having a twin. It is a very special relationship that most people will never have the privilege of knowing. However, it is important for people to know that twins are normal human beings - we do not have our own language, we do not constantly switch places, and no, we NEVER dress alike (or at least not purposefully). I frankly do not know how to answer the question "what is it like being a twin?!" To me, it just feels like waking up in the morning or breathing. Most days, being a twin just feels like having a sibling who just looks a lot like you. Although I know that most people do not view twin relationships as being normal, to me, being a twin feels normal. So, as for life as an identical twin, it feels like life for any other person: unusual, intriguing, and ultimately, worth living.

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