It seems like we've always been told to help others, ever since preschool. Share your crayons, listen to people, etc. While such altruism serves to build a beneficial society, we're seldom reminded to take care of ourselves, until a few mental breakdowns later that is.
I've been going through a phase of watching tarot card readings on YouTube, taking messages that resonate and disregarding the ones that don't. Readings regarding my career path, life purpose, and what my 2019 holds, a message that I've received on quite a few occasions was to take care of myself. "Don't be afraid to say no. Remember, you can't help anyone else if you can't help yourself." Perhaps it was the fact that I'd heard this message multiple times, or perhaps it was the fact that I knew that I had always struggled with saying no, this resonated greatly. The point to this is not to display how great of an individual I am due to my perpetual willingness to assist others, but instead to remind you to take a break
For those who also happen to neglect to take a day of self-care, this is your reminder to do so. I remember at some point earlier in the fall, I called my friend who always alleviated any emotions of suffocation I had. I remember telling him I felt suffocated from playing the role of the therapist, and that I needed some time alone. When he asked why I felt bad about saying no and giving myself a break, I remember not being able to answer. "You know how on the plane they give you that announcement about putting on the oxygen masks if there's not enough oxygen on the plane? And how they tell you to put your own oxygen mask on first?" I told him I knew what he was referring to. "Life's like a crashing plane. You have to put your own oxygen mask on before anyone else's."
The bottom line: Please, take care of yourself. You deserve it.