Hey you! Yeah you the one reading this. Are you alone? If so, great because this article is for you. If you're not alone and you are reading this while in class for something to do or reading while your waiting for the bus too that's okay. If you're around people look to the person to the left and then look to the person to the right. What are some things you notice about the people you looked at? Do they have nice clothes? Do they have a perfect smile with straight teeth? Whatever the reason is we all have that same instinct to compare ourselves to other people.
Now if you are alone what are somethings you wish you had that other people had? For instance, do you wish you were like Mark Zuckerberg who created Facebook from an idea who now make millions of dollars? Or do like gymnastics and would like to be the next Shawn Johnson? No matter what we wish we had or why we compare our lives the only one that can direct our dreams and get what we want out of our lives is ourselves.
Have you heard of the phrase life is like a box of chocolate you never know what your going to get? If you have great, then you know its from the movie Forrest Gump. If you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend it. Here is a different metaphor to take into perspective life is like vanilla ice cream we can leave it plain just the way it is, or we can add as much toppings as we want. Think of the toppings as opportunities in our life. There are so many, right? We can either take those experiences and learn something new or we can just live our life day by day trying to adult and just work and pay bills until we die. What will you choose to do with your life?
So, think of what kind "toppings' you want to add to your life. We only have one so let's make it the best life we can.