Syllabus week, for those of you who can't put two and two together, is a week where teachers go over the syllabus and their expectations for their perspective classes. Shocking, I know. Therefore there isn't any intense work (unless your teacher is Satin) except for getting your school supplies together, ordering over-priced and over complicated textbooks, and more importantly finding where your classes actually are. Throwback to when I walked actually 5 miles trying to find one of my classes and called my mom (as if she knew where it was) like 30 times. Good times.
This is the time for everyone to get back into the swing of things, re-connect with friends, stay out late and contemplate if we really need to go to class for the rest of the semester. Unfortunately just like everything else, it must come to an end and real life starts (boo). So here are 18 instances we'll all go through for life after sylly week as told by the most dramatic girl group there is, the Real Housewives:
1. Waking up for your 8 a.m. and actually having to learn something.

2. Trying to read a textbook because all you did this summer was read memes.

3. Sitting in classes that require you to remember concepts and equations from last semester.

4. Contemplating why you're in school in the first place.

5. Dragging yourself to classes where attendance is mandatory.

6. Looking at your handwriting and wondering if you ever actually went to first grade.

7. Doing homework for 5 minutes and then taking a 4 hour nap because your mental endurance is low. Very low.

8. Having one tear fall as you spend your life savings on required reading material that you know you're not going to read anyway.

9. Looking around the class to see if everyone is just as confused as you.

10. When the teacher says that he/she doesn't believe in extra credit.

11. Gathering in the common room with your friends to complain about how much work you have instead of actually doing it.

12. Counting down the days till the weekend so you can finally relax even though you told yourself you were going to be really productive.

13. Switching out of classes that seem slightly hard even though you have to take them before you graduate.

14. Getting a weird high of organizing all of your binders and folders and planner, but then panicking every time you open them to take notes.

15. Trying to remember what it's like to study, but all you can remember from last semester was how much you would eat to avoid studying.

16. When the teacher says you have to participate in class.

17. Realizing how close the first exam is, but then get confused as to what it could even be on.

18. Finally coming to terms with the fact that this is how it's going to be for the rest of the semester and that you should probably get your life together.

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