This may sound cliche but, a year ago I was a completely different person. The girl in this photo was at a very dark time in her life, she was struggling with her self image and depression. She never went out of the house without her makeup on, she felt naked without it.
She would spend hours at a time applying makeup to make sure she looked "perfect" because she didn't want people to think she was ugly. Her body image was at an all time low because of all the Instagram models she would see posting their "bikini bodies." Happiness was something she longed to feel but never could seem to attain it.
A year ago I hoped everyday would be my last day, I felt so alone and sad all the time. I promise you life will get better, you might just have to work a little harder. You've probably heard this a million times but cut out all the toxic people in your life, your well-being is much more important.
Surround yourself with people who will build you up and encourage you as you go through life's journey. Find friends that love you unconditionally, even your flaws. Don't forget to put yourself first sometimes, if they're true friends they will understand.
Happiness doesn't have to come from spending tons of money, go out on a spontaneous adventure with your best friends. Go explore a new place or have a picnic somewhere out in nature. Lie down in the soft grass and watch the clouds roll along the beautiful blue sky. It's raining? Pick up the book you've been meaning to read for the past 6 months.
I know your life may be tough right now but stop getting discouraged so easily. We often forget the small things that make us so happy, the smell of coffee in the morning, rolling the windows down and screaming the lyrics to your favorite songs, the excitement of finding a new T.V. show to binge, etc. Write down a list of all the things that make you happy, even if it's the smallest thing.
Stop comparing yourself to others, comparison is the thief of happiness. Society has told us we need to conform to the mold they want but how boring would it be if we all looked the same?? Learn to love your flaws, look in the mirror everyday and say "I'm beautiful" until you believe it.
Life will get better, just be patient. If you're ever feeling alone my Twitter and Instagram are both @the_fab_gab_ if you need someone to talk to.