Going to school we all have that one hope to be able to walk across the stage and right into our dream job. The job we have spent 4+ years going to school for. Some get lucky and that's exactly what happens. Others, not so much. When it doesn't happen, it's easy to get discouraged and even question your choice in majors. However, it is important to remember that many people go through this too.
I have met people who are in their dream job and the road getting them there was not easy. Some of them told me it took longer than a year for them to break into their industry. When I asked for their advice they all said the same thing, don't give up.
I see people giving up far too often.
I graduated college in Fall 2017 and knew I probably wasn't going to jump right into my field. My major was in journalism which is something I am very passionate about but as much as I love it, its rough to make a living in. So, I took a job doing something else I love (working with elderly) and I do whatever journalism I can on the side.
Of course, I would love to be doing it full time, but I know that it's going to take some work (and time) to get to where I want to be. My dream is to move to Boston and establish myself as a journalist there (Boston Globe, I'm coming for you!) but it'll take some time to save up enough money. Whenever I get discouraged, I look at my diploma on the wall and remind myself I have come too far to give up now.
I have had my fair share of post-college meltdowns and wondering if I can actually make it in the real world. It's normal. We all have them and its okay as long as you pick yourself back up and keep moving forward.
The real world is far different from the college life and some of us have to fall on our face a few times before we really get the hang of it. That doesn't mean it will be all bad. You might have to work a job you don't like for a little while, but with perseverance and determination, we will get to where we are going.
I think too many of us look at it like a race. Everything is suppposed to happen right away but what I have learned is it's not about how long it takes to get there, its that you got there.