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Life After Living On Campus

It's better to ask forgiveness than permission

Life After Living On Campus
Jannelia Morris

Every student who has ever left their parents house to live on a school campus knows how good that feels. I have never met another college student who has told me that they miss living at home with their parents becuase let's face it, once we get that little taste of freedom we don't want it to end.

A few weeks ago Spring semester at Florida Atlantic University ended and I was resigned about going back to live with my parents, I didn't want to, I kept trying to think of ways to keep that from happening but alas I had to admit that it would just be for the Summer until Fall came around. Three months isn't so bad right? The first week I went home it was just my dad and I, who I tried to avoid because we are both hotheaded stubborn beings and when any arguements start they last for days, so in order to have a peaceful three months avoidance was the best option. I spent the first week trying to put all the stuff I had accumilated from my dorms away but I ended up just spreading things around the house or in the guestroom because I couldn't bother.

About three days into moving back home my dad and I got into a really heated argument and tensions began to run wild, at this time my mom was in Jamaica visiting my ninety-three year old grandma who had just had surgery and was recovering. My dad and I didn't speak for a whole day which was fine with me and if it could be like that the rest of the summer I would have no problem living there. My mom came home and everything was back to normal.

A week later I was going to see The Weeknd in Sunrise Florida, I told my dad I was going to Sunrise and I didn't know what time I would be home and his response made me realize I was going to feel like I was in prision for the rest of the summer. He said "well you know what time you need to be home, and why are you going so far?" His response made my defenses immediately start to go up and I just wanted to roll my eyes and talk back but I forced myself to remain calm and answer his question already deciding that I would leave when the concert ended and be home in accordance to that. "It's better to ask forgiveness than permission," as the saying goes afterall.

That very week I decided to apply for summer housing at FAU and see if they would assign me a room at three days before the summer session started. That Friday I received an email with my dorm details, told my mom I was leaving and started thinking about what I needed to take with me. That Sunday (Mother's Day) was move-in and I was all packed and ready to go.

Fast forward to a week into school and I was talking to one of my suitemates, – I live in an apartment with four bedrooms that I share with two other girls and get my own bathroom since the girl I'm supposed to share with never turned up. Yay for me! And she was telling me how she had moved home for the summer as well but her mom had been treating her like a little kid hovering over her because she had recently gotten her wisdom teeth removed and on move-in day she told her mom she was going to live on campus and now here she is.

These are all situations we can relate to. Moving out of our parents house is easy but moving back in seems a thousand times harder because you didn't know anything before living with them and now that you do, you don't want to conform to their rules again.

If you had to move back home for the summer don't worry three months is going to go by in the blink of an eye.

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