We may not have experienced a whole lot yet, but we have a good head on our shoulders and know what we want. We are stressed to the max, sleep deprived, and seemingly in over our heads. All this means we have learned what's important and how to prioritize, leading to these bits of advice and quotes we live by.
The only constant in life is change.
Nothing is certain except for that things will always change. There is not constant, no set standards or timeline for our lives. Change is always happening and there's nothing we can do it. -Samantha Fuller
The best advice is not to be afraid of that change. To be afraid of change is to be in constant fear of living. We must live every day to the fullest in order to live at all. -Samantha Fuller
"Knowledge is life water, drink it while you can"
It is important to aquire as much knowledge as possible at all points. The more knowledge you have, the better quality of life you are going to have. -Jeremiah Jordan
Search inside for happiness.
Depending on people is scary, and a lot of work. It always seems to backfire in the long run. Being able to find happiness within yourself, or create happiness is the best thing you can do for yourself. -Vishal Patel
Keep moving forward.
You always have to keep going, there's no quitting or tuning back. If you give up that's the end. There's no such thing as failing, there's just the opportunity to work harder and do better. -Bryan Guerra
Time you enjoy wasting was not wasted.
Wasting time is hardly possible. You may not be being productive so to speak but if you enjoy what you're doing you're never truly wasting time. We all need time to take care of ourselves, something we don't do often enough. -Lexi Randau
Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you will look back and realize they were the big things.
You have to learn to appreciate what you have before its gone. -Carly Ehret
"Never assume you won't see someone again" By assuming you'll never talk to someone again, you're closing doors before they even have a chance to open. By opening yourself up to this idea, we create a better environment for ourselves and the people we meet. -Mason Jones
It's okay to fail as long as you learn from it.
Its the little things in life that happen that you can't control and sometimes you try your very best and its still not good enough, and that's okay as long as you learn from your mistakes and make the situation better from what you've learned. All will work out. -PaulaJean Cartwright
Never take a single second for granted.
In the blink of an eye everything you know can be gone, so spend your life with the people you love most, doing what you love, and enjoy every second of it. -Alexis Vroegh
Build your home.
In our lives there is always the pressure to hangout with certain people or to be involved in different activities to "belong," but the first question to ask yourself is "Am I laying a foundation of goodness in my life?" If not, start building, or rather start from scratch to lay this foundation. Making friends and being involved is not bad, but when it comes to building unhealthy relationships or becoming involved in unfulfilling activities, making a new blue plan maybe be liberating. Building takes time and requires patience but being active in that patience is how things get built. For all of us, not belonging can be a painful feeling. It may seem like we will never truly be at home, but a home does not just appear. It must be created. So step out, and start building. -Shanae DeHaan-Burch
Live your life being as happy as possible.
Happiness is built on perspective and outlook. If you can learn to manage these, then you can manage how you handle the negative situations in life, and hopefully find the good in all situations. -Lorenzo Valdivia
As long as you're pursuing the life you want and you're happy, you're on the right track.
This can be taken in many contexts, whether it be your education, career or general life. Happiness is above all. Other peoples opinions will always effect you, but its important to stay true to yourself. -Andrea Reif