You know, for my last article I plan to write for the Odyssey, it sure does feel rather surreal. So, I want this one to have some meaning. My graduation next week has caused me to start reflecting on my longer than average college career. Okay, so maybe I had some detours along the way that lengthened it out an extra two years, but that doesn’t matter, I made it--that’s what counts. With that being said, my longer than usual college career has allowed me to see changes in my life and in others. Freshman year seems like a distant memory, but I still remember it clearly from FROG Week all the way to my first parent-alumni weekend. Of course, having photos helps, but the lessons that happened in between those photos are what I remember more. So I think I’ll share some of these lessons for those that are just starting or finishing their first year of college.
First and foremost, get involved in something don’t just plan to make friends with people in your classes (not that there is anything wrong with making friends with your classmates). Trust me, it pays to get involved with something as well, because weekends can get boring if all you do is hide in your room and or go home every weekend (sad news, future cadets, not every weekend is open, so enjoy the forced socializing). Anyhow, that and I’m also sure your parents/guardians, while they may be excited to see you every weekend, it is going to eventually to start wearing off on them.
Let’s put it this way, they raised you for a good many years, don’t you think they deserve a break from your antics? I’m not going to delve into that any deeper, so I’m just going to move onto my second point which is keep an open mind about things. You’re in college and for probably the first time in your life you are going to meet people with a different mindset and beliefs along with having to possibly live with them for at least a semester or two. Sure, they may have different opinions regarding guns, religions, politics or whether performing a Cleveland Steamer is sexy or not, but that shouldn’t stop you from expanding yourself by trying to see it from their viewpoint. You are here to learn in the first place.
Trust me, the exact opposite makes you look like some closeminded idiot that throws a hissy fit when something doesn’t go their way. To be honest, my first ex-girlfriend was exactly like that, once things started not going her way in our relationship, her cheating on then breaking up with me was just around the corner. That, of course, brings me to my last bit of advice which is to not be afraid of pain, you’re going to stumble and fall in these next few years of your life. You are going to love, cry, laugh, endure and many other things, but all of that is in life. So go out into college with an open mind (but not to the point where you think atrocities are a good idea) and make the most out of these next few years of your life.