Rick And Morty is an adult sitcom created by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland. The irreverent comedy centers around a drunk, mad scientist that brings his grandson on his sci-fi adventures. The show's crazy plot lines and witty dialogue provide 20 minutes of non-stop hilarity. The brilliant team behind the series, produced for Adult Swim, creates a dialogue that is both clever and deeply insightful. Apart from the ever entertaining back-and-forth's between Rick and Morty there are episodes where the characters give a little insight to life. In an impatient wait for the release of the third season, I give you life lessons from Rick And Morty.
“I know new situations can be intimidating. You’re looking around and it’s all scary and different. But you know, meeting them head on, charging right into them like a bull… that’s how we grow as people”
“After your father’s brush with cancer and losing your uncle we looked at life and wondered how have we spent it? And how do we spend the rest of it? What are we going to be when we die? A list of fear and questions or a collection of real experiences?”
“Beth, having a family doesn’t mean you stop being an individual. You know the best thing you can do for people that depend on you? Be honest with them; even if it means set them free.”
“The most important love you can receive is from yourself.“
“We all have bad impulses, bad thoughts, but we just need to learn how to channel them into something constructive. “
“You know, Jerry, I’m not gonna tell you that these’ll increase in value or even hold their current value. The truth is you bought them because you like them; they have value to you. That’s what matters.”7.
“I know you’re scared, because I’m scared. But that's no reason to accept our fate. We are Mortys, we’re not defined by our relationships to Rick. Our destiny is our own!”
“Don’t run. Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV?“