Every parent tells little white lies to their children at some point. Maybe it is to persuade them, protect them, trick them, or even make them happy. No matter the reason these lies were probably a big part of your childhood, and you might even hold on to a bit of today and still believe in them a tiny bit. It is hard to remember that something was made up and fake when you believed in it so much as a child.
From food, health, and safety, here are a few of those little white lies that all parents told:
1. Eating carrots would give you better eyesight.
2. The family pet went to the farm where it could run and play for as long as it wanted.
3. If you swallowed seeds, like watermelon, it would grow in your stomach.
4. The moon and clouds followed you because they loved you.
5. Santa, the tooth fairy, and the Easter bunny, you know, the basics.
6. If you turn the light on in the car while driving, you will get arrested.
7. You can't swim for 30 minutes after you eat.
8. If you made a face for too long, it would freeze like that.
9. If you swallow gum, it stays in your stomach for 7 years.
10. If you pee in the pool, there's a special dye that will change colors and show everyone.
11. Drinking coffee will stunt your growth.
12. If you touch a frog, you'll get warts.
13. If you sneeze with your eyes open, they might fall out.
14. Cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis.
15. Eating the bread crust would give you curly hair.
16. If it was raining, it meant God was crying.
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