We've all told white lies before, right? You know you have, and you've probably said these 12 exact lies, to yourself and to other people.
Yes, I want my copy of the receipt
We say yes, but we don't need it. We KNOW it's going to end up crumpled on the floor of our cars or at the bottom of a bag somewhere.
Oh shoot, I left my homework at home/on the bus/in my locker
Yes I did it, but I left it at home. Classic cop-out response to get half credit on homework assignments we didn't do
I have read and understood the terms and conditions
HAHAHA no I did not read that 40 page size 3.5 font document, but imma click the box anyway.
Yeah, I floss twice every day
Does anybody ever actually remember to floss twice a day? I definitely don't, but that's not what I tell my hygienist.
That baby is SO adorable!
Let's be real with each other. All babies look the same, first of all, and they also all kind of look like smushed marshmallows.
No, I don't have any other questions
This actually means, "I am so lost that I don't even know what I don't know".
 That looks great on you
It doesn't exactly look bad either though, so we'll go with great
 Thank you so much I love it
Translation: I really have no use for this and it will end up at the bottom of my closet, but thank you anyway!