Every girl hates being lied to, but there are a few lies we all tell ourselves. Listen up boys, I'm about to give you an inside look into the most common things girls lie about.
1. I never lie.
It seems fitting to put this one as the first one. At some point or another we all tell a lie. Whether it's to get ourselves out of a traffic ticket or lying about where we were when we snuck out of the house at midnight- we all tell a little white lie here and there.
2. I never get jealous
It's human nature. Everyone gets jealous. Yes, I will not be OK with the same girl liking all your Instagram pictures seconds after you post. Yes, I will get jealous if you get the new iPhone before me. I can't help it.
3. Weight
You'll be hard pressed to find a girl who doesn't lie about her weight. A common lie that goes along with that is the idea that "I don't care about my weight, I just want to be healthy" and "I can eat whatever I want and not gain weight." Ha! IF only.
4. I work out every day.
Does walking 10 minutes to each class with a 20lb book sack count as working out? If so, this may not be a complete lie. But if someone tells you they work out every single day of the week, chances are they're lying.
5. It was on sale, I swear.
My mom actually accused me of having an illness because I shop too much. But I can't help it if my favorite store is having a sale (or if 'sale' justifies buying yet another pair of shoes).
6. Oh, this old thing? I just threw it on.
Puh-lease! I spent at least 20 minutes staring at my closet, another 10 trying on outfits, and about 15 different outfits before settling on this one.
7. No, I wasn't ignoring you.
If I haven't responded back to you in three days, chances are I'm ignoring you. Geez man, take a hint.
8. We should totally hang out soon.
It's not that I don't want to hang out with you, but we both know neither one of us is going to initiate it and we'll never end up hanging out.
9. I don't care for romance, I'm super low maintenance.
Even the most low maintenance of girls would still appreciate some flowers and a guy who goes the extra mile.
10. I'm not mad.
If you think I'm mad at you, you should probably go ahead and trust your intuition. I'll never admit it so don't bother asking. If you did something to make me mad, chances are, I am.
11. I'm so done with men.
She says, as she downloads Tinder for the 20th time. Don't believe a girl that says she's done with men unless she's taking her vows at a convent.
12. Oh, you have an ex? I had noooo idea
I've already stalked every social media account you own. You can't tell me anything about yourself that I don't already know. Don't worry, I'll act surprised.
13. I did not drunk text my ex last night.
This is a lie normally told to your best friend, who already knows you're lying. It's okay girl, we've all been there. Drunk you cannot be trusted.
14. I'm not even drunk.
OK, so this lie is more one we tell ourselves. It's kinda hard to lie about being drunk to all those who witness you stumble down the street.
15. I'm on my way, I'll be there in 5 minutes.
I haven't even taken a shower yet. Seriously, the only thing you should trust when it comes to my ETA is your 'Find My Friends' app.
16. No, I don't mind paying.
Sometimes I'll treat, no problem. But if this is my third time paying in three lunch dates, we have an issue.
There are plenty of more things we girls lie about, but here's just a small taste. The intention of this article was not to paint girls in a negative light, but just to add some humor to things we all go through from time to time.