Dear you...
... I lied. From the very start I lied to you, filled your brain with every sweet tender dream, glazing my whimsical fantasies over your expectations, baking up a storm of deceit for you and everyone you knew to eat. Delicious. I lied to you. I whispered the sweet nothings of your soon to be freedom into your ear and had ideas upon ideas float listlessly in your day dreams. I told you of all the places we would go; France, Spain, Germany, Miami, Chicago, Ghana, Nigeria, Tokyo, but never told you what it'd cost to take the trip and fall flat into the messes I made before you even got on the plane. I showed you pictures, fantastic photoshopped pictures, of all the things people did when they came along with me. What you did not know was that I cropped out the parts where I ate the trail of breadcrumbs and thus left them stranded, harvesting only on their aches, groans and pains. I still have no shame.
I lied to you. Showed you 6 ways to make us great again, but built a wall separating you from your happiness. I campaigned day in and day out about how with me your secrets would never be let out. Your secrets safe with me, yet I was the only one with the key. I find it funny that you didn't know why you kept feeling like you were left out.
I made you feel goood didn't I? The mere thought of me tickled ecstasy in every part of your body; however, this drug didn't last forever because when I came down you lost your high. Let our only hope be that the most high helps you and I, even though the only thing I pray on is your desire. Please, I know it seems bleak but can you forgive me? Let me explain. Give me a chance to rehabilitate your hate towards me into something great?
Spare the cliché but for you my love I changed. I lied to you nonetheless but that also meant that to you I wasn't the same. I gave it all to the others, took them places they'd never been, we did things they'd never dreamt, shared moments they'd never forget, but I lied only to you. I starved you of all of those things because I wanted to give you something new...something more than a few pretty pictures could. My dear it only took one look at you for me to see the greatness inside you, it only took one moment for me to realize I could not waste a second of it. I decided that I would give you gifts that would last you a lifetime, so I replaced your glee with groans, filled your ignorance with experience, took every pointless pleasure away from your view so you could see the gold that was in front of you, let others question your worth so you could reflect and see that no matter what they said you are priceless anyway, I took away that baby face and added in a few greys so you would know that the beauty isn't in just the physical things it's in the intricate details within. I broke you so you could learn to fix yourself, I hurt you so you knew how to heal.
I lied to you, so you would seek truth...
Yours truly,
P.S. Burn bright through the cold harsh winter for me. Shout out to all those who had it hard this summer