Before you read this:
If you are a friend of mine and are conservative, I ask that you not read this article. I am not looking to cause a rift in our friendship, and I doubt you are reading this to change your mind. This is solely for those who have liberal views and seek a voice for their beliefs.
If you are unknown to me and are conservative, fasten your seatbelt because this is a bumpy ride.
Gay Marriage
I believe that if two people love each other, they should be able to get married. That’s the fundamental rule that I’ve kept very close to my heart for a long time. It doesn’t matter how comfortable I am with anything, my personal allegiances shouldn’t be the reason why two people are not legally allowed to join together for eternity. Why are heterosexual people demanding that the right to marriage only belong to them, when the American Psychological Association quoted the divorce rate to be a very romantic 40 to 50 percent? I grew up in a broken family, and I don’t necessarily blame my parents for the reasons they got divorced. Do I personally believe that marriages should last for a lifetime? Absolutely, and I plan to stay married to my future first wife for the rest of my existence. Does that mean I don’t think divorce should be legal? Absolutely not, and it is the same with gay marriage.
I also believe in the right to choose if you’re going to have an abortion or not. I understand that many scientists have guaranteed that human life begins at conception, and that republicans use this as means to say that an abortion is involuntary termination of an innocent human being’s life. Wow, I’ve never heard of the idea of an innocent human being’s life being taken just because of where it exists… in the stomach of a teenage girl, or in the town of Hiroshima. I am not in favor of abortion, but I have absolute Zero right to tell women what to do with their unborn child. I think it is completely up to her to decide if she will bring that fetus into the world. Shouldn’t have gotten pregnant? Understandable, I mean it’s not like protective condoms have a 1 in 50 chance of still getting you pregnant even if you use it correctly and consistently. Plus, those irresponsible Millennials probably wanted the condom to break, increasing the risk of pregnancy to almost 1 in 5. But hey, let’s just avoid that entire excuse all-together: let’s not teach them how to have safe sex and prevent unplanned pregnancy at all, let’s just teach them abstinence because they obviously should be taught to live by the principle of a religion they may not even follow.
Boy, do I have a stance on education. It certainly applies to me on a very personal level, considering I hope to be a teacher one day and I hope every day that my profession is one that contains a decent enough salary to support my family and help provide a happy life for them. But this also is very personal to me because I am currently a student and have been for 15 years. Not every kid can afford to live a private school lifestyle, and this can lead to discrimination. We need to increase the funding for the public schools that we have, and a part of it should go to increasing teacher salaries. Also, this may come as a shocker than I do not believe in Free College Tuition. If college is free, students will treat it just like they treat their free high school.
My stepdad is a gun owner, raised in Tennessee and loves to go hunting. I love the guy, he has my upmost respect and admiration, and I hope he reads this article and sees me telling the world how great of a guy he is. He is in perfect mental stability, and has his second amendment right to keep and bear Arms. I do not believe the government should take his guns away. I do not believe anyone in their right capable mind should have their guns taken away- but when someone is mentally incapable to judge if it is justified to kill 32 people, there is no reason for them to legally be able to obtain firearms. Yes, people will find ways to get guns whether it is legal or not, just like the Eighteenth Amendment. But I cannot wrap my head around the idea of making it easy for them. You want a gun, and you are mentally sound and have no criminal history? Have fun, enjoy that second amendment. However, while enjoying it, please feel satisfied with either a handgun for protection or a hunting gun. Assault Rifles just don’t seem necessary.
But hey, maybe that’s just me.