Growing up in a very liberal household with a dad that was not afraid to say how stupid a politician was really influenced my thoughts and my morals. Naturally, in a house like this, I grew up to become a very, VERY liberal democrat, so when I found out that I would spend the next four years in Trump's America, it seemed like my worst nightmare.
In the days following the election, I kept up with the news seeing the protest and riots, I had multiple phone calls with my brother and mom talking about how we thought that Trump was going to destroy the United States and, of course on all forms of social media, the election was the main concern of anyone and everyone. Now it has been a week since the election, and though some things have calmed down, tensions are still high. After a few interviews and some digging into Trump's website, it is obvious that he has gone back on many things that he has previously said while on the campaign trail. And though this is changing the way a lot of people are viewing him, I refuse to change my thoughts and opinions on him all for one reason.
Donald Trump has made it socially acceptable for people to be blatantly racist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic and misogynistic. There have been multiple acts of racism towards African-Americans, Muslims, Asians and Hispanics. People in the LGBT+ community have experienced hate and prejudice. Women have received threats of sexual assault and rape and victims of sexual assault have felt more silenced now more than ever. Most of these actions have been committed by Trump supporters and justified by his election because of the things he has said while campaigning.
Do not get me wrong there are many Trump supporters that are good people, they elected him because they truly believed that he was the best choice for our country and I respect that. But those who and using his election to commit crimes against different minorities are who I have the problem with, and the fact that Donald Trump himself has not spoken out about this issue.
Donald Trump will be a huge change for this country, and whether it will be a change for the better or worse is something that only time will tell. But the hate that has resulted from his election is something that needs to change. The hate that liberals are throwing towards conservatives is something that needs to change. The hate that is currently divided our country is something that needs to change if we want to progress at all as a country.