The events at UC Berkeley that unfolded this past week provides proof to the violent nature of the regressive left. I would like to point out that not all liberals condone these actions, but there is certainly a rise of what some are calling the “Alt-Left.”
Protesting is protected by the First Amendment, rioting is not! As seen during the inauguration week in DC and the events that took place this past week in Berkeley, these “protestors” have resorted to using violence to get their point across. Damage of property, assault against Trump and Milo supporters, burning of the flag and violent behavior have certainly become a hallmark of these protests. Quite ironically, they protest against “hate,” “fascism,” and “bigotry,” yet they are the ones who are perpetrating the very ideas that they are protesting about.
Protest with argument, not with violence.
This is my advice to liberals out there: protest Milo Yiannopoulous’ events by being there and actually countering his rhetoric with substantive arguments. Ask questions that he cannot answer, and this will curb his influence and reach. By being violent and by acting unreasonably, you fuel the fire and you affirm his rhetoric. Milo is a muckraker and he takes pleasure in seeing offended liberals reacting to his rhetoric. By shutting him down through means of violent protest, the left has shown its regressive nature and has lost the argument. These protests have given the image that the left has no intellectual capacity to debunk many of Milo’s arguments that are based on facts and data.
The left is fascist, hateful, and bigoted. Quite ironically, they protest against “hate,” “fascism,” and “bigotry,” yet they are the ones who are perpetrating the very ideas that they are protesting about.
They are unwilling to listen to another person’s ideas if that person is not from the same political spectrum or in extreme terms: is a Trump supporter. If you are a conservative or a Trump supporter, you are automatically labeled as a “white-supremacist” among other things, and according to their logic, “white supremacists” are unreasonable, to which they would not debate you. In fact, it has now become normalized for someone to “punch a Nazi.” A political group that supports assault, battery, and violent intimidation sounds pretty fascist-like to me. In fact, it sounds very Nazi-like.
It really is disappointing to see many liberals praising these protests, and the popular hashtag #resist being used as some sort of symbol for resistance, when, in essence, it is a symbol of anarchy. There is a dire disrespect for the rule of law, and these events have shown the true nature of what liberalism is when it disagrees with you. And you wonder why liberals are losing almost every election ranging from local elections to the presidential elections. If these riots keep up, and if celebrities like Madonna continue to spew hate speech by threatening to “blow up the White House,” you will see Republicans being elected in every branch of government for the next decade.
Liberals, you are on the wrong side of history.