Ever since I was little, I always knew that my view on the world and politics were much different than my dad and his family. I always wanted a world where all could be happy and able to live in a stable environment: a world where people can do whatever they wish, as long as it does not cause pain to anyone else. Now that I have grown, I see that it is not easy to live in this simple utopia. Reality is even more divisive, and there are labels for people who are fighting to get their idea of what a Utopian world is on the main stage. Republicans and Democrats. Liberals and conservatives. It has always been like this but what makes it difficult for me is that I am the only liberal in my conservative family.
I hadn't believed that political ideals could stir controversy among family until 2014, when the Black Lives Matter movement began to gain more and more attention. I was always arguing with my father on what I believed to be so simple — equality. Everyone deserves to be heard and to be given what is deemed a human right, at birth. I feel even more sadden to learn that this election has truly brought out the difference between my feelings on politics and my family's.
It is rough to be apart of the election this year as I truly believe that Donald Trump is the most vulgar candidate in US history. To see people support him makes me feel disgusted and upset, especially as a biracial daughter. To hear Donald Trump say such maleficent things like tracking Muslims, building a wall, and how sexually assaulting woman is just "locker room talk". Sexually assaulting conversations are not "locker room talk", and even more his excuse that Bill did the same makes me feel so ill. If he was able to say that " as a celebrity they let you do anything," what does he think he can do as a president?
I have always accepted my family's views as their own, but that has become even harder to do in the wake of this election — my first voting election. I hope my family can do the same with me and my views that will always be liberal. I will always believe that Black Lives Matter, not all Muslims are terrorists, being gay is not bad, and that a woman has a right to not have only make their own decisions about their own lives and their own bodies, but also to have those decisions respected. I will never stop fighting for, volunteering for, and screaming for what I truly believe is right.