Welcome back, Jim Crow!
We [America] didn't think we would identify you again. It's been 62 years since you were named unconstitutional. It's 2016, and surprisingly you aren't harming blacks. Who would of thought you would have changed your mindset? Wistfully, you are aware of what's going on in the media, so you have picked up your old ways, and have began to be a menace to a distinct faction--the LGBT community.
In recent news, we have heard about a new bill being devised alongside states' politicians and leaders. This new 'religious freedom' bill is quite paradoxical of its name. There is no religious nor sexual and gender identity freedom for those being targeted in this bill. Mississippi and North Carolina's governors, Phil Bryant and Pat McCrory, are allowing the persecution of the LGBT community. The bill allows religious organizations to legally decide "whether or not to hire, terminate, or discipline an individual whose conduct or religious beliefs are inconsistent" with the company's beliefs or moral convictions. If that wasn't bad enough, the religious freedom bill, or more notably known as, House Bill 1523 can allow LGBT members to be declined of treatments, counseling, fertility services, and surgeries if they don't reflect the lifestyle of the doctor's religious beliefs. Additionally, the bill allows landlords to reject the renting and selling of housing, and even stretches are far as allowing people of the public, schools, and companies to create separate access to "restrooms, spas, baths, showers, dressing rooms, locker rooms, or any other intimate facilities or settings." These are just a few of the preposterous rights created by states' leaders to reflect the voice of the people.
Comparably to the Jim Crow laws started in 1890, the "Separate but Equal" doctrine still rings true. Though, these laws aren't geared towards African-Americans,nor infringing upon their Fourteenth Amendment rights, they are still targeting a community and causing social and mental division. Contrasting those who support this bill, I strongly believe this new set of Jim Crow laws are violating the representation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender's First Amendment rights.
According to the GOP, or the Party of Opportunity, their belief is "The Republican Party is fighting for a freer and stronger America where everyone has the opportunity to achieve the American Dream." This belief or dream can't be fulfilled if every citizen of America can't achieve equal opportunity, success, or prosperity. Coincidentally, these new segregation laws being created and passed in blue states, or predominately Republican-voted states, don't emulate the most eminent basis of their party--Judeo-Christian foundations and American conservatism ideologies. In the New Testament of the Holy Bible, Jesus told the Pharisees that the second greatest commandment was to '...love your neighbor as yourself'. Sadly this bill doesn't enforce all faith-based organizations to love their customers and clients as themselves.
Jim Crow, your unconstitutional ways don't reflect America, but we continue to allow you to bully a portion of our nation. We call ourselves the "land of the free and the home of the brave", but we seem to forget that these truths were made in the likeness of white Christian men. So once again, welcome home, Jim Crow. It's about time we meet again since our roots run deep.