In life we meet many people, they come into our lives and impact our hearts. Some people leave a positive impact, but others leave permanent scars we can’t erase. The people that leave a negative impact will try to change us or control who we are, and those people are called toxic.
Not everyone who enters your life is meant to stay. People often get so wrapped up in the idea that everyone is going to treat them the same way they treat others. They want to keep that person around because they are too afraid or care to much about the person to actually cut them out of their lives. Sometimes you have to accept that you won’t always get treated fairly by some people.
Letting go of someone who is toxic is very difficult to do. You constantly make up excuses for the things they do, or the things that they say. You believe that they’re supposed to act this way. You think that they will change eventually, they will become the person you want them to be some day. Its just something that they’re going through, and they really need someone to be there for them.
The truth is that the things a toxic person does is in no way acceptable. You can’t make excuses for a person who constantly puts you down, and makes you feel like dirt. Even if this toxic person does love you, they will just continue to destroy your life. While you are shedding tears and losing sleep over this person. They are continuing their life. If they’re causing pain in your life, there is nothing wrong with moving on from them.
Just because you cut someone out of your life doesn’t mean you stopped caring for them. Letting them go means that you value your worth more than settling with being unhappy. I would encourage you to evaluate the relationships in your life, and consider letting go of the toxic ones. Forcing yourself to stay with someone who is a wrecking ball in your life, will only continuously hurt you. One day you will look back and realize that you don’t need that person in your life, you are much happier without them.