Have you ever felt trapped underneath a billion things? Like there's this immense pressure building up inside yourself and you feel like you're about to explode? Sort of like you've been keeping a secret or being too tightly wound. There are a lot of reasons for feeling all sorts of emotions, but if you've been feeling stressed, blah, down, nervous, annoyed or guilty, there may be something toxic in your life. It could be a friend, a relationship, or even a habit that hasn't been good for or to you. If you're ready to let go of this weight that's been present in your life, then there are some steps you can take towards betterment.
First thing's first: you have to identify what that thing/things is/are. If it's a person, then you should try to pinpoint exactly where things went downhill. Maybe your friend parties heavily and you keep getting dragged into the mess, or maybe your boyfriend isn't treating you well. It doesn't have to be a super-serious or detrimental situation either – maybe it's that you've been feeling super stressed out, so much so that you've missed class or not felt like taking care of yourself. Whatever it is, once you figure out the problem, you can then move onto figuring out a solution.
Second thing to note is: your bad habit or no-good person isn't just going to up and disappear overnight. You have to take small steps to carve out a more positive path for yourself. If it's an ex you don't want to see, then block their number, social media pages, etc. If your friend has turned into an enemy, then try to avoid them in social situations when possible. You're not being petty, you're being smart -- you're taking initiative and watching out for yourself. Don't feel bad about putting yourself first.
The next step in breaking free is to actually begin to let go. This is probably the hardest thing to do, but you have to remind yourself of why you want a better life without this or that in it. Skipping class won't help you with the real issue of stress, so remember that the next time you feel like missing a day. Also, the more you push back against your old habits, the more they go away or decrease. So, the more you hang out with your friends instead of obsessing over your ex, the better your social life and your mood (plus the less you ruminate or reminisce). Or like with a simple thing of nail biting- the more you paint your nails with pretty polish, the less likely you'll be to tear them apart, you know?
I'm not saying you can never talk to your frenemy or never have another candy bar again (if you've resolved to be healthier, for example) – but there's got to be a balance. Or at least, an acceptance that this is where you are at now, but that doesn't mean you have to/want to stay there. You have the ability to change, to grow and to let go of whatever you need to in order to be a better person. It may be easier said than done, but you owe to yourself to try.