When you're going through a rough patch with love, whether it be with a significant other, a friend, or a sibling, sometimes it just sucks. Logically you know it won't suck forever but at the moment, it's nice to have someone agree with you. So, without further ado, here are some of the reasons why love sucks.
Waiting for a text back is torture
Yes, they could be busy or doing something important, yes yes we know. But now this thing that you said is just sitting there. It's taunting you, just begging you to overthink it and before you know it, you've turned into that person checking their phone every 5 minutes to make sure you didn't miss a notification even though your phone is on full blast. Love sucks.
Feelings... bleh
When things aren't all peachy with that person of yours, there's going to be, or at least there should be, a lot of talking about your feelings. Yeah, okay we know why that's important but UGH. It's so draining and so exhausting and it opens up old wounds you really thought healed by now and you're all emotional for the rest of the day and GROSS there may be tears and EEEERRR. Love sucks.
Is this the end of everything?
If it's so bad that the relationship ends (or even if you think it's ending), no matter how fine you think you are, you'll lay awake at night crying, guaranteed. You think: Why can't I get over this already? Why is this affecting me so much? Why oh why can I not just move on with my life and get over him/her? Shouldn't I be happy at the thought of this ending? Now my life will be less stressful, right? Yet you still find yourself clinging onto whatever you can to keep the now phantom attachment alive. You start to wonder if this is your destiny: forever alone. Could I possibly have another person in my life that means to me what they mean/meant? People say I will but right now, but it's hard to imagine. And the thought of being vulnerable like that with another person makes me wanna puke. Clearly, love sucks.
I'm not going to say you'll find another friend or significant other or sibling-from-another-mother. Right now you wouldn't believe me, I'm sure. But just know that humans are social beings. We need (yes NEED) some sort of social interaction and some sort of connection to live a sane life. Whether you're working on mending a connection or are trying to heal from a broken one, it sucks. Love sucks. But maybe with time, it'll suck less. And maybe, just maybe, someone will surprise and you'll be willing to give love another chance.